Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
Who do you want to be when we emerge from the pandemic? Has this time of isolation and distancing caused you to re-examine yourself and your priorities? Lent offers us a time to renew, to examine ourselves more closely and maybe take some steps to emerge as a better version of you. Our Lenten theme for Café@Home is Emergence. Emergence is the process of coming into view or becoming exposed after being concealed.
We pray: Holy God, we ask your presence as we begin our Lenten journey. Mark us with your love, a love that covers us and keeps us. Give us a sense of discipline to keep coming back to difficulties and graces that shape us into emerging more fully as your beloved children.
In Jesus name, Amen.
May you be blessed this Lent as we travel together in Jesus.
Producer Molly Webster peers inside a caterpillar pupa and witnesses some of the most complex and confounding biology happening on earth. What part of us carries on as we emerge into something new? What of our future self is already in us now?
On Being: The miracles that emerge from suffering and violence
A sharing circle is an opportunity to deepen your spiritual life in a supportive, nurturing group. It is a time to listen to each other—deeply and intentionally—with open hearts and minds in trust, caring and belonging. We meet online for about an hour to share and reflect on the playlist topic.
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