Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
It has been a busy time for our faith community. We have unified two Churches into one newly named Parish, shared the loss of a beloved pastor, named a new Pastor, said goodbye to an associate Pastor, welcomed a new associate Pastor, hired a new school principal and a Director of Lifelong Faith Formation plus several other staff changes. Busy doesn’t quite cover the level of activity around the Parish.
Now it's time to think about some other aspects of parish life; joyful gatherings, celebrations, fellowship and more. It's time to come together as a community. The Pastoral Council is promoting opportunities to gather together with old friends and make some new friends. We need your help. Our first step is to create a Hospitality team. We would look for this group to organize light refreshments at Parish events. Some examples of past events include, the Inaugural Mass for Holy Archangels Parish and Fr. Tomy's Installation, welcoming for Fr Matthew and Fr. Oswald and the occasional coffee and donuts after Mass to name a few.
Interested in being part of the Holy Archangels Hospitality Team or learning more about it? Please fill out and submit the form below.